Eastern and western medicine – more on how do integrate?

Simply we can find old wisdom and try to “translate” it into modern thinking while trying to find about how we integrate in a ideographic and nomothetic perspective.

Some is easy to integrate, as some of us to in psychophysiological behavioral medicine do. But we can very much more without do it more complex. Often attitudes and internalized values is a larger problem then clinical as well as clinicians mostly only read their own discipline (or some/few of them) journals.

Therefore we will try to propose a working united paradigm as a platform, no easy task!

About a possible paradigm
1. Fist we can focus on Chi Kung¨s behavioral parts and psychophysiological deigns/methodology (which we will question at some degree) with the best possible reliability and different validities. Pharmacological parts first without any place (please Western physician try to go on reading)



Understanding Chinese medicine and Western medicine to reach the maximum treatment benefit

Difference between frekvent chines and Western diseases – Sök på Google

Western vs. Eastern medicine: What to know
How Western and Eastern medicine treat the same disease? Western medicine prescribes specific drugs for a disease. In contrast, Eastern medicine focuses on treating the person as a whole rather than just their symptoms. The practice of medicine has evolved over time, and many people refer to these two distinct approaches as Eastern and Western medicine” .https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/western-vs-eastern-medicine

Typical diseases in Western Medicin compared with Eastern medicine Google search