Stress and health – why has not more been done for motivating individuals´ lifelong health promotion learning?

(The below referring to what we nowadays begin to name Lifestyle Medicine or
Illnesses do not come upon us out of the blue. They are developed from small daily sins against Nature. When enough sins have accumulated, illnesses will suddenly appear” &
If someone wishes for good health, one must first ask oneself if he is ready to do away with the reasons for his illness. Only then is it possible to help him.” or

Occam´s Razor in my long version:  “A wise man should consider that health is the greatest 
of human blessings, and learn how by his own 
thought to derive benefit from his illnesses and everyone has a doctor in him or her; we just have to help it in its work. The natural healing force within each one of us is the greatest force in getting well. Our food and walking should be our medicine while Illnesses do not come upon us out of the blue. They are developed from small daily sins against Nature. When enough sins have accumulated, illnesses will suddenly appear!

(Thank you  very much Stig below for your arguments)
-> Stig Bengmark writes on his Facebook; ” Chronic stress is probably one of the most dangerous things for our health – perhaps even more dangerous than a poor diet. Stress releases a whole range of hormones, neuropeptides and other neurochemical products that have devastating consequences for the important functions of the immune system. Almost all cells in our body are sensitive to these substances, but especially our immune cells and our intestinal bacteria, which are severely damaged by stress-related neurohormones such as adrenaline and norepinephrine”.
(I have also written some about Imflammaging –

I do believe most scientists/clinicians/laymen will agree but why have not done more to develop effective prevention and recovery biopsychosocial-cultural medicine measures – including individual “detection approaches” and  on this motivating tool people can and will and are motivated to use realizing they are the “sum of all targets”?

My answer is actually what I have try to achieve during my scientific and clinical work “patient as an educated reasonable competent resource and co-worker in own rehab” with a version for “non-patients” based on a biopsychosocial medicine paradigm and integrated psychophysiology and biofeedback as effective (also for patient!!!) platform!

Still apparently alone in Sweden since 1980-ties can depend on my own out of mainstream doings, or reductionistic based medicine to not se the problem – “to see or not to see makes a diference”? This to clarify that psychophysiological behavioral medicine is not just verbal words but also at the same time spatial (Limbic) information processing (see e.g. dual code theory at Hypnosis as one of the tools in the Placebo Psychophysiological Toolbox? | Biopsychosocial Medicine)

Looking back I realize I was too naïve to believe that medicine with a real world focus would try to  see diferences – ideographic clinically and nomothetical scientifically and be able to distinguish between the two basic fundamental different perspective.

Back to Stig´s argument; we can not wait anymore on the untouchable patronizing high-society medicine and move (again as I tried) to find a way to integrate lifestyle focused systems integrating medicine with basic study circle (Swedish approach) for everybody grounding lifestyle medicine in terms of lifelong learning.

My dissertation 1986 used such learning circle as “treatment” individuals’ tailoring a biopsychosocial toolbox where we used psychophysiological assessment as outcome measures.

Now at 80, I think much on “how make such a simple approach useful for those who do not yet realize that own health is what I basically do …. and the doctors aim may be; Hippocrates: “The doctor’s task* was thus to ensure that the body would be able to heal itself”.

Where lifelong learning to promote health and facilitate from unhealth/diseases can be a useful and beneficial for all of us – individuals as well as society systems?

An advise to those interested to learn and use integrated biofeedback – is to learn well and use hypertension as first focus while it is (as I see it) the easiest way to start with clinical practice, see more e,g.  (in Swedish Högt blodtryck | Stressmedicin and subsites and a very specific case -> Normalize blood pressure in one session | Biopsychosocial Medicine

See more also on my other Swedish websites e.g. (in Swedish) Biofeedback | Stressmedicin